Climate Change Trainings and Intergeneration Dialogue on Youth
Somali Greenpeace Association in partnership with African Youth Initiative on Climate and Pan African Climate Justice Alliance have launched five months training on Climate Change and Intergenerational dialogue on youth Engagement in climate change policy formulations. The event was launched in Baioda, Somalia. It would also be held in Mogadishu, Galdogob and Abudwak for the Coming Months. In this Event we have trained more than 40 people. This was engaged in all sectors of the society such as the ministry , members of the local parliament, faith based leaders and Youth. We highly thank the Global Greengrants Fund for supporting this.
As the programme started in July 20201 and ends November 2021, more training is needed in all regions of Somalia and hence these projects need upscaling. We would welcome those who are interested in upscaling this